
The Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals is a national organization dedicated to promoting excellence in administrative justice.

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CCAT 2020 Ignite

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Submit your Ignite Topics now!

Enlighten us – but do it fast!

What is Ignite?

Ignite events were originally conceived as technology variety shows, but they have grown beyond that. Ignite is about ideas. Ideas can change the world. And it takes less than five minutes to spread one.

Ignite was founded in Seattle in 2006 by Brady Forrest and Bre Pettis, and now Ignite has finally made its way to CCAT!

This first-ever CCAT Ignite session, Bring me something I can use, will take place on Monday, June 1, 2020, 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Each presenter gets five minutes on stage with 20 slides (max.) that rotate automatically after 15 seconds – whether you’re ready or not! Be one of 10 presentations that will “ignite” new ideas at #whatnowCCAT2020!

Be an Ignite Speaker

Are you passionate about a topic that promotes Tribunal excellence?  Do you think others might be interested in hearing about it?   Would you like to spread your idea at CCAT Ignite?  Still not sure what topic areas would be of interest?  Here are a few to consider: independence, tribunal leadership and management, fair treatment, accessibility, professionalism and integrity, accountability, efficiency and client needs and satisfaction. It’s easy to apply – just fill out our short application form.

Here are a few things we’d ask you to keep in mind.

  1. Provide us with accurate contact information
    We will need to let you know if your idea is accepted and, if so, about deliverables (such as your slides), deadlines and event details. Email is our primary contact channel. Please provide an email address that you check regularly.
  2. Respond to emails in a timely way
    If we get in touch with you, please respond promptly. There is a great deal of planning involved in staging an Ignite event, and we simply do not have the resources to chase down speakers. In return, we’ll respond to you in a timely fashion as well.
  3. Meet pre-Ignite milestones in a timely way
    We won’t ask for much, but when we ask you to provide something by a particular date, like your presentation slides, please oblige us.
  4. Take your commitment to speak seriously
    We understand that unforeseen emergencies do happen, or you might just decide that speaking at Ignite isn’t for you. If you decide that you can’t speak, please let us know sooner rather than later.
How speakers are selected

Here are some of the things that the Selection Committee will consider.  Think of them as guidelines rather than rules.

  • Diversity of topics
  • Originality of topics (i.e., have we heard about it before?)
  • Potential interest of the topic to the audience
  • Passion and/or expertise of speaker

On the flip side, here are some reasons why applications might not be selected:

  • Application was unfocussed / unclear
  • Application was pitchy. (Presentation topics that are self-serving, i.e., promoting a person, business, etc., will be avoided.)
  • Proposed topic was too similar to that of another selected speaker
  • Proposed topic was deemed not to have broad audience appeal

By submitting a proposal you agree that the Symposium will not be responsible for any associated expenses incurred by you while participating in this conference.

The CCAT Ignite Selection Subcommittee, at its sole discretion, may select any or none of the submissions received.

Still not sure what Ignite is all about or how to prepare for an Ignite session?   Have a look at this “how-to” presentation that will help to answer your questions.

If you have questions about speaking, please send an e-mail to Cindy Hick.