The objects of the Corporation are:
(a) to engage in research and study of matters of concern and interest to the members and staff of administrative boards, commissions and tribunals in Canada, and to such persons as may participate or be interested in proceedings before them;
(b) to provide an opportunity for meetings, conferences, discussions and other exchanges of information of common problems and issues, so as to break down the isolation between and improve the education of members and staffs of boards, commissions and tribunals across Canada and of such persons as may participate or be interested in proceedings before them;
(c) to receive and maintain a fund or funds and apply, accumulate or distribute from time to time all or part thereof and/or the income therefrom to any or all purposes which, in the judgment of the Directors of the Corporation, will further improve communications, education and understanding among members and staffs of boards, commissions and tribunals across Canada and of such persons as may participate or be interested in proceedings before them;
(d) to do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of such objects, and in particular:
(i) to acquire, accept, solicit or receive, by purchase, lease, contract, donation, legacy, gift, grant, bequest or otherwise, any monies, real or personal property, or services, either as an annual or other contribution or as an addition to the fund or funds of the Corporation, and to enter into and carry out agreements, contracts and undertakings incidental thereto; and
(ii) to hold, manage sell or convert any of the real or personal property from time to time owned by the corporation, and to invest or reinvest any principal in investments authorized by law for the investment of trust funds, provided, however, that it shall not be lawful for the corporation to transact or undertake, directly or indirectly, any business within the meaning of The Loan and Trust Corporations Act.