
The Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals is a national organization dedicated to promoting excellence in administrative justice.

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  • Most applicants to adminis...

  • This book describes the ad...

  • This book provides informa...

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Specifics of international private law

Waneek is a Mohawk bear clan woman. She works and travels extensively throughout the Indigenous world as a sports commentator, and as a passionate advocate for sport, fitness and wellness. She also has traveled extensively throughout North America as a motivational speaker, speaking of her journey from being stabbed during the famed Oka Crisis to the Olympic Games. As one of Canada’s few Aboriginal Olympians, Waneek has used her passion and experiences in sport to influence Aboriginal and...

Please see the article below for new developments in ongoing debates over disclosure of tribunal records and privacy....

The president of NAALJ extends a cordial invitation to the members of CCAT to attend the 2018 NAALJ Annual Conference...

This book describes the administrative justice system—the tribunals and how they are run, the decision-makers, the role of lawyers, responsibilities of applicants and respondents, witnesses, the hearing itself, the appeal process, and alternative dispute methods. It is a guide for tribunal staff and members and for others who need to know how the system functions....