
The Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals is a national organization dedicated to promoting excellence in administrative justice.

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Member Performance Assessment Repository

Home / Member Performance Assessment Repository

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The assessment of tribunal members’ performance is essential for adjudicative excellence, member development and recommendations for reappointment. There is huge potential for tribunals across the country to share their best practices, expertise and resources.

This online repository will be a valuable source of information, policies and forms for the performance assessment of members. We hope tribunals will contribute materials as well as make use of the materials contributed by others. We also welcome your suggestions for improving how this Repository is set up.

To contribute materials or provide feedback, please e-mail info@ccat-ctac.org.

Please note that the information posted in the Repository is available in the language that was submitted.


General Documents and Articles

  1. Framework for Performance Assessment of Members (2017 CCAT Symposium paper – Gary Yee)
  2. Performance Management in Ontario’s Administrative Justice Tribunals (1995, Society of Ontario Adjudicators and Regulators (SOAR)
  3. Systems of Evaluation of Tribunal Members in Quebec (2017, Society of Ontario Adjudicators and Regulators (SOAR))
  4. Looking Over the Shoulders of Administrative Law Judges (2001 CCAT Conference paper; CCAT Ron Ellis Archives – Ron Ellis)

Policies and Forms

  1. Member Appraisal Form (2020, Social Security Tribunal of Canada) – EnglishFrench
  2. Member Evaluation Framework and Reappointment Process (2019, Condominium Authority Tribunal (Ontario))
  3. Member Self-Assessment Composition Matrix (2019, Condominium Authority Tribunal (Ontario))
    Member Self-Assessment Composition Matrix 2
  4. Competency Assessment web page (B.C. Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal)
  5. Competency Assessment form (B.C. Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal)
  6. Procédure de la Régie des marchés agricoles et alimentaires du Québec relative au recrutement et à la sélection des personnes aptes à y être nommées régisseurs ainsi que sur le renouvellement de leur mandats – section X (Régie des marchés agricoles et alimentaires du Québec)
  7. Post-Hearing Surveys (2019, Immigration and Refugee Board) – EnglishFrench
  8. Competency Profile – Governor in Council Appointees (2018, Immigration and Refugee Board) – EnglishFrench
  9. Profile of competency for adjudicators (2020, Quebec) – FrenchUnofficial English translation

Training and Conference Materials

  1. Performance Evaluation of Members: How and Why (2017 CCAT Symposium PowerPoint – Lucie Nadeau, TAQ (Québec)) – EnglishFrench
  2. Evaluating Adjudicator Performance (2017 CCAT Symposium PowerPoint – Paul Aterman, IRB) – EnglishFrench
  3. Performance Assessment for Tribunal Members (2017 CCAT Symposium PowerPoint – Andrew Pendray, WCAT (B.C.))
  4. Framework for Performance Assessment of Members (2017 CCAT Symposium paper – Gary Yee)
  5. Performance Measurement for Tribunals – Quality (2010 SOAR Conference paper – Gary Yee)


  1. Hallmarks of Quality Decision Making – B.C. WCAT Manual of Rules of Practice and Procedure, section 17.2.1 (2021, B.C. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Tribunal)
  2. Quality Performance in the Immigration Appeal Division 2019-2020 – Results Report (2020, Immigration and Refugee Board) – EnglishFrench