
The Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals is a national organization dedicated to promoting excellence in administrative justice.

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© 2020 CCAT. All Rights Reserved


ext. 2040

150 Elgin Street,

Suite 1000, Ottawa, ON K2P 1L4





Membership Categories

CCAT members include chairs, vice-chairs, members, and staff of tribunals, boards and agencies – the bodies responsible for adjudicating economic and social issues at all levels of government in Canada. Members also include academics, lawyers, consultants, and others interested in administrative justice issues.




Membership Year

The CCAT membership year runs from January to December. All annual memberships expire on December 31st and are renewable in January of the new year. Members will have a 30 day grace period to renew. If members join part way through the year between July and November, their membership fee will be reduced by 50%. If you register in December, your membership will be active for 13 months.

Membership Benefits

Free or Reduced fees for on-site or on-line training:

Special member-only rates

Take advantage of special member-only rates for on-site and on-line professional development training and webinars

Become part

Become part of a dynamic group of individuals dedicated to excellence in administrative justice

Count yourself

Count yourself among those who are passionate about advancing the delivery of fair, accessible and efficient justice across Canada

Contribute your skills and experience

Contribute your skills and experience by joining CCAT’s active committees and help raise the bar within the administrative justice community


Grow personally and professionally in a supportive and collaborative environment

Membership Benefits

CCAT Members Only section of website

Access the most recent conference papers plus a greatly expanded section of educational materials, including materials on plain language.

Membership Benefits


The literacy publications are available for downloading in PDF format at no cost.

Membership Benefits

Timely information

Keep current by reading the most recent developments in administrative law and justice in the upcoming Newsletter sent out to members (under development)

Membership Benefits

Timely information

Keep current by reading the most recent developments in administrative law and justice in the upcoming Newsletter sent out to members (under development)

Membership Benefits

Collaboration, partnership, and networking

Through contacts at conferences and meetings, and opportunities to work together on CCAT initiatives and committees, the chance to get to know jurists, lawyers, and administrative members and staff from across the country and the world.

Membership Benefits

Expanded regional contacts

CCAT has formal and informal links with sister organizations in Canada and abroad. Members can take advantage of opportunities for collaboration with these organizations and broaden their perspective on all aspects of administrative law.

Membership Benefits

Expanded regional contacts

CCAT has formal and informal links with sister organizations in Canada and abroad. Members can take advantage of opportunities for collaboration with these organizations and broaden their perspective on all aspects of administrative law.