
The Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals is a national organization dedicated to promoting excellence in administrative justice.

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Other Resources And Useful Links

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The Canadian Journal of Administrative Law and Practice is available from Carswell at :

It may also be available in your library in electronic form.

The CJALP is published under the auspices of CCAT/CTAC. It is published three times a year. The journal provides a forum for in-depth discussion of administrative law issues and emphasizes the important role played by tribunals, boards and commissions in the administrative process. The Editorial Board is comprised of distinguished authorities drawn from administrative tribunals, the practising bar and the academic community across Canada. Each issue of the Journal contains articles and may also include case comments and book reviews.

Guidelines for submissions to the Journal may be found in this PDF.

Take the Index Challenge!

Development of An Access to Justice Index for Federal Administrative Bodies

The INDEX CHALLENGE is a pilot project of the Department of Justice [DOJ]. The project aims to identify practices that increase access to justice in administrative bodies.

Through a series of questions in survey-form, tribunals can use the Index as a self-assessment tool to support service standards. If you take the Challenge, the DOJ will send you results within 5-10 business days.

The information provided is kept confidential.

In the pilot project stage, the DOJ is looking for ten administrative bodies willing to take the Challenge and provide feedback about the survey, including suggestions for improvement.

We encourage you to take the Index Challenge!

Useful Links

Legal Resources


Canada Legal Information Institute – Access to decisions of Canadian courts and tribunals


Law blogs – an open directory of online Canadian Legal Resources – Listings are by substantive topic and by province

Sources for articles and websites of interest to Administrative Justice Community


Administribute Tribunals Association


Online Canadian Legal Magazine, – Columns by topic including resolution and justice issues


The UK Administrative Justice Institute website


Website by Ron Ellis, on Administrative Justice System Reform

Official Language Resources


Language portal of Canada


Terminology and linguistic data bank.  See especially: Writing tools

Domestic Organizations