
The Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals is a national organization dedicated to promoting excellence in administrative justice.

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Webinars 2025


Don’t be Disappointed – Register Now!

In this session you will hear from two of Canada’s leading administrative law experts discussing the most significant developments in the law of judicial review. The Honourable Justice David Stratas of the Federal Court of Appeal and Professor Paul Daly of the University of Ottawa will review the most recent jurisprudence and provide their insights. This is a must attend webinar!


The Honourable Justice David Stratas, Federal Court of Appeal
Dr. Paul Daly, University of Ottawa Faculty of Law 

Click here for speaker biographies.

Bilingual program with simultaneous interpretation.  Simultaneous interpretation will be available.  This webinar will be recorded and available to registered participants.

When: Tuesday, February 18, 2025, from 1-2:30 pm (EST)

CCAT Members: $50 + applicable taxes
Non-members: $95 + applicable taxes
Students: $10 + applicable taxes (Promo Code: STUDENTETUDIANT10)

Cancellation:Participants cancelling prior to February 11, 2025 receive a full refund less a $25.00 administration fee. Written notification by e-mail will be accepted. Participants cancelling after this date forfeit 100% of the registration fee, although substitutions can be made at any time.

This webinar is an eligible education activity that counts towards 1.5 hours of the Law Society of Ontario’s substantive Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirement.

Case Study Resource Document

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Webinars 2024



Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Canadian Courts and Tribunals

The purpose of this short course is to provide both an introduction to and development of UNDRIP, suitable for those just inquiring about the relevance of UNDRIP for their work, but also for experienced adjudicators.

Session 1:  UNDRIP 101+.

We would ask that all attendees when they register to tell us one thing you know about UNDRIP and one question you have about UNDRIP to help shape and inform the presentation.

This presentation will:

  • Address UNDRIP from international and domestic perspectives
  • Discuss myths and misconceptions surrounding UNDRIP
  • Examine key provisions of UNDRIP, including self determination, participation in decision-making and free prior and informed consent
  • Explain the relevant domestic laws and related activities in Canada.

Post-session reflection activity: Review all the articles of UNDRIP and consider which articles of UNDRIP are directly relevant to your work.

Session 2: Putting UNDRIP into practice.

This presentation will:

  • discuss how UNDRIP has been used in Canadian courts and administrative tribunals
  • overview of the Supreme Court of Canada’s Indigenous Child Welfare Reference, CHRT Caring Society Case, White and Montour and others
  • create space for participants to begin to think about where and how UNDRIP can apply in their own work.

Post-session reflection activity:

  • Think of a past case you decided where UNDRIP could have been considered – what are opportunities missed and challenges to apply UNDRIP to the decision?
  • Given SCC remarks about braiding in the Indigenous Child Welfare Reference, what questions can you pose to counsel if they are not pleading UNDRIP in a case that impacts Indigenous rights?

Session 3:  Looking to the Future of UNDRIP Implementation in Canadian Administrative Tribunals

This final session will review the main take ways from sessions 1 and 2 allow for a deeper understanding of how UNDRIP can and should be implemented in Tribunal decisions.

This presentation will consider questions including

  • Aligning Canada’s laws with UNDRIP, what does that mean in practice?
  • Bringing UNDRIP into admin law principles (procedural and substantive fairness), how can Tribunal members break out of Canadian admin law box and bring in Indigenous laws and procedures?
  • What is ‘braiding’ and how can it apply to the reconciliation framework?

Click here for presenter biographies.

This will be an English session.  Simultaneous interpretation will be available.  This webinar will be recorded and available to registered participants.

Session 1: Wednesday, October 2, 2024, 1-2:30 p.m. (EST)
Session 2: Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 1-2:30 p.m. (EST)
Session 3: Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. (EST)

Cost (3-part learning series):
CCAT Members:  $75 + applicable taxes
Non-members:  $120 + applicable taxes
Students:  $25 + applicable taxes (Promo Code: STUDENTETUDIANT25)

Cancellation: Participants cancelling prior to September 23, 2024 receive a full refund less a $25.00 administration fee. Written notification by e-mail will be accepted. Participants cancelling after this date forfeit 100% of the registration fee, although substitutions can be made at any time.


Join us for an engaging and insightful webinar that explores the vital role of Diversity and Inclusion within government tribunals. This webinar will delve into the importance of fostering a culture of inclusion and belonging within the tribunal system, and how embracing a planned and methodical approach can set you up you for sustainable and long-term change. Webinar participants will receive a simple roadmap on how to strategically advance DEI at their organization.

Presenter:  Lauren Canzius

Lauren Canzius is a sought-after speaker, educator, and consultant who empowers organizations to develop sustainable human resource (HR) and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) solutions.  As a thought leader, Lauren has helped educate HR professionals and executives across the country, including the design of HR curriculum for various universities. Lauren’s career has included leadership roles in consulting, change management, HR management, diversity & inclusion, labour and employee relations, mediation, collective bargaining, and project management. She currently holds the position of Founding Director & Head of Diversity and Anti-Racism at the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal.

Lauren holds a Master of Industrial Relations from Queen’s University, an Hons B.A. from the University of Toronto, and is a Prosci® Certified Change Practitioner.  In her free time, Lauren enjoys volunteering in her community and mentoring youth and new professionals.

When:  Thursday, November 14, 2024, from 1-2:30 p.m. (EST)

CCAT Members: $30 + applicable taxes
Non-members: $55 + applicable taxes
Students: $10 + applicable taxes (Promo Code: STUDENTETUDIANT10)

This will be an English session.  Simultaneous interpretation will be available.  This webinar will be recorded and available to registered participants.

Cancellation:Participants cancelling prior to November 8, 2024 receive a full refund less a $25.00 administration fee. Written notification by e-mail will be accepted. Participants cancelling after this date forfeit 100% of the registration fee, although substitutions can be made at any time.


Why is concise writing an important skill for both lawyers and adjudicators?  How is the brevity of your writing connected to decision backlogs and access to justice?  What has the Supreme Court of Canada said about concise writing?  How can you write more concisely?  

In this webinar, the panelists will address:

  • The value of concise writing;
  • Why we write long submissions and decisions;
  • What the courts have said about brevity;
  • The risks of concise writing; and
  • Practical tips to writing briefly.

This will be an English session.  Simultaneous interpretation will be available.  This webinar will be recorded and available to registered participants.


  • Federal Court Justice Sébastien Grammond
  • Federal Court Justice Alan Diner,
  • Dr. Barbara Morris (Ph.D. in English), and
  • Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal Chairperson Emily Crocco

Click here for presenter biographies.

When:  Tuesday, September 24, 2024, from 1-2:30 p.m. (EST)

CCAT Members: $50 + applicable taxes
Non-members: $95 + applicable taxes
Students: $10 + applicable taxes (Promo Code: STUDENTETUDIANT10)

Cancellation:Participants cancelling prior to September 16, 2024 receive a full refund less a $25.00 administration fee. Written notification by e-mail will be accepted. Participants cancelling after this date forfeit 100% of the registration fee, although substitutions can be made at any time.


This program contains 1 hour and 30 minutes

of Professionalism content.


What rights and obligations do the targets, complainants, and witnesses of administrative investigations have?  How can you assess whether these rights were respected? 

Recent court decisions have updated how these rights should be assessed, so if your work includes the review or participation in administrative investigations, you won’t want to miss this webinar!   

Rebecca Durcan and Nadia Effendi will review the key developments and decisions from Canadian courts and tribunals.  They will address:

  • When does the duty of fairness arise in administrative investigations?
  • What does the duty of fairness in administrative investigations require?
  • How much cooperation must parties and witnesses give to investigations?
  • How should privacy rights and disclosure obligations be balanced? 
  • What are some common mistakes that impact procedural fairness in investigations?

This will be a bilingual session.  Simultaneous interpretation will be available.

This webinar will be recorded and available to registered participants.


  • Rebecca Durcan, co-managing partner at Steinecke Maciura LeBlanc
  • Nadia Effendi, partner at Borden Ladner Gervais 

Click here for presenter biographies.

When:  Tuesday, March 26th, 2024, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. (ET)


CCAT Members:  $50 + applicable taxes
Non-members:  $95 + applicable taxes
Students:  $10 + applicable taxes (Promo Code:  STUDENTETUDIANT10)

Cancellation:  Participants cancelling prior to March 18 will receive a full refund less a $25.00 administration fee.  Written notification by email will be accepted.  Participants cancelling after this date forfeit 100% of the registration fee, although substitutions can be made at any time.

Past Webinars 2023

How Tribunals Have Adapted in the Face of COVID , NOVEMBER 23, 2023

A panel discussion about how the pandemic has impacted administrative tribunals. 

The session will deal with how tribunals adapted the way they hold their hearings and whether those adaptations are (or should) be here to stay. The panel will include interactive elements to share and learn what your colleagues are doing across the nation. 

The session will also deal with how the pandemic continues to impact the substance of the decisions being made by tribunals and will give practical guidance on the legal principles to consider.

With insights from Sarah Buhler (Associate Professor, University of Saskatchewan College of Law), Stéphan F. Dulude (Tribunal administratif du Québec), Nunziata Masi (Residential Tenancies Commission of Manitoba), and David Wright (Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal).

Click HERE for presenter biographies.

Simultaneous interpretation will be available.

This webinar will be recorded and available to registered participants.

When:  November 23, 2023; 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. (ET)


CCAT Members:  $50 + applicable taxes
Non-members:  $95 + applicable taxes
Students:  $10 + applicable taxes (Promo Code: STUDENTETUDIANT10)

Cancellation:  Participants cancelling prior to November 16, 2023 receive a full refund less a $25.00 administration fee. Written notification by e-mail will be accepted. Participants cancelling after this date forfeit 100% of the registration fee, although substitutions can be made at any time.

Minds Matter: Mental Wellness for Adjudicators and Staff of Tribunals and Regulatory Bodies – a two- webinar series, October 26 & November 2, 2023

Webinar 1, October 26, 2023 – The Adjudicator’s Mind: How adjudicators and their organizations can pursue and maintain mental wellness. A keynote address by Hon. George Strathy, retired Chief Justice of the Ontario Court of Appeal.


Webinar 2, November 2, 2023 – Let’s Get Practical: How tribunals and regulatory bodies can support adjudicator and staff mental wellness on an organizational basis. What’s being done and what could be done. A panel discussion with Orlando Da Silva (Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada), Pamela Cholak (Alberta Energy Regulator), Andrew Smith (Alberta Energy Regulator), and Doron Gold (The Lawyer Therapist).

Click HERE for presenter biographies.

Simultaneous interpretation will be available.

These webinars will be recorded and available to registered participants.


October 26, 2023; 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)




CCAT Members:  $75 + applicable taxes
Non-members:  $160 + applicable taxes
Students:  $15 + applicable taxes (Promo Code: STUDENTETUDIANT15)


Single session:
CCAT Members:  $50 + applicable taxes
Non-members:  $95 + applicable taxes
Students:  $10 + applicable taxes (Promo Code: STUDENTETUDIANT10)

 ** Special Volume Discount Offer! **

CCAT is offering a special volume registration discount for this webinar series.  Receive one (1) complimentary registration for every nine (9) full series registrations.  Please e-mail Cindy Hick at the CCAT office to take advantage of this special discount.

Cancellation:  Participants cancelling prior to October 13, 2023 receive a full refund less a $25.00 administration fee. Written notification by e-mail will be accepted. Participants cancelling after this date forfeit 100% of the registration fee, although substitutions can be made at any time


Last fall, in response to our survey, CCAT members expressed a strong and enthusiastic desire to learn more about reconciliation and Indigenous law and how to bring that learning into our work in the administrative justice sector. The survey results align nicely with the federal government’s recently stated commitment to encouraging Indigenous legal systems to flourish alongside the Canadian justice system.

CCAT’s Truth and Reconciliation and Tribunal Excellence Committees are therefore thrilled to announce that the Indigenous Law Research Unit (ILRU) at the University of Victoria Faculty of Law will present three 90-minute webinars on Indigenous Legal Systems tailored to the particular needs and circumstances of the administrative law community. ILRU is the leading academic research institute dedicated to the revitalization of Indigenous law and governance. ILRU’s training is engaging, challenging and informative. 

The schedule is as follows:


Session 1: Introduction to Indigenous Law

This session provides a broad overview of Indigenous law for those who are relatively unfamiliar with the topic. The presenters discuss resources and sources of Indigenous laws, and pose some critical questions about legal theory, legal methodology and the application of laws.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023, 1:00 pm-2:30 pm EST

Presenters: Jessica Asch, Brooke Edmonds, Tara Williamson


Session 2: Functions of Law and the Application of Indigenous Law

The presenters discuss ILRU’s approach for accessing, understanding, and applying Indigenous laws, and go over some of the critical analysis performed during the rearticulation of Indigenous laws. Presenters expand upon the role law plays within a society and discuss how Indigenous laws are currently being applied in many different Indigenous communities. 

Thursday, March 30, 2023, 1:30 pm-3:00 pm EST – note that the time for this session starts at 1:30 pm, rather than 1:00 pm.

Presenters: Val Napoleon and Rebecca Johnson


Session 3: Opportunities for Tribunals with Indigenous Law

The presenters will facilitate an interactive discussion with participants about whether and how Indigenous laws can be applied within an administrative legal context. The discussion is intended to be a dialogue where both participants and presenters brainstorm the application of Indigenous laws within a tribunal setting. We hope to identify and address challenges of reconciling the two different legal orders. 

Thursday, April 20, 2023, 1:00 pm-2:30 pm EST

Presenters: Janna Promislow and Tara Williamson


Click HERE for presenter biographies.


These webinars will be accredited for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours.  Simultaneous interpretation will be available.  These webinars will be recorded and available to registered participants.



  • CCAT Members:  $75 + applicable taxes
  • Non-members:  $150 + applicable taxes 
  • Students:  $25 + applicable taxes (Promo Code = STUDENTETUDIANT25)


Cancellation:  Participants cancelling prior to March 3, 2023 receive a full refund less a $25.00 administration fee. Written notification by e-mail will be accepted. Participants cancelling after this date forfeit 100% of the registration fee, although substitutions can be made at any time.

This program contains
4 hours and 30 minutes
of EDI Professionalism Content.


The Law Society of British Columbia
This webinar has been approved by The Law Society of British Columbia and will become available as part of the selection of approved CPD courses and group studies.




Past Webinars 2022

Performance Management in a Tribunal Setting – June 2, 2022

This webinar will be recorded and available to registered participants.

This webinar will explore the ongoing process of performance management in the tribunal setting, from concept to implementation and application.  Every tribunal has performance measures it must meet – how can tribunal leaders positively influence members to achieve their best performance?  This webinar will explore the ongoing process and help build positive culture by reinforcing the values of a tribunal.


  • Thomas Vulpe, Vice-Chairperson, General Division-Income Security, Social Security Tribunal of Canada
  • Sylvie Seguin, Administrative Judge, Vice-Chairperson, Comité de déontologie policière
  • Gary Yee, former Tribunal Chair

Click HERE for presenter biographies.
Simultaneous interpretation will be available.
When:  June 2, 2022; 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. (ET)

CCAT Members:  $50 + applicable taxes
Non-members:  $95 + applicable taxes
Students:  $10 + applicable taxes (Promo Code: STUDENTETUDIANT10)

Cancellation:  Participants cancelling prior to May 20, 2022 receive a full refund less a $25.00 administration fee. Written notification by e-mail will be accepted. Participants cancelling after this date forfeit 100% of the registration fee, although substitutions can be made at any time.

This webinar will be recorded and available to registered participants.


Administrative Law Update 2022 – June 13, 2022

This webinar will be recorded and available to registered participants.

Back by popular demand! It’s time again for CCAT’s annual Admin Law Update.

Join David Wright, Michelle Flaherty and Margaret Leighton for an engaging and informative review of key developments and decisions from Canadian courts and tribunals. We will consider issues facing all of us in the administrative justice community like:

  • Resuming in-person hearings post-pandemic.
  • Walking the line between fairness and access with self-represented litigants.
  • Understanding the constitutional limits on jurisdiction of statutory decision makers.
  • Timeliness and delay in administrative proceedings.
  • Bilingualism and minority language rights.

And it wouldn’t be an admin law update without a few minutes on standard of review. Are the courts correct on correctness? Come ready to participate with questions and comments.

This will be a bilingual session. Simultaneous interpretation will be available.


  • David Wright, Chair, Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal
  • Michelle Flaherty, Mediator and Arbitrator
  • Margaret Leighton, Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Appeal Tribunal and Law Society Tribunal (Ontario)

Click HERE for presenter biographies.

When:  June 13, 2022; 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. (ET)

CCAT Members:  $50 + applicable taxes
Non-members:  $95 + applicable taxes
Students:  $10 + applicable taxes (Promo Code: STUDENTETUDIANT10)

Cancellation:  Participants cancelling prior to May 30, 2022 receive a full refund less a $25.00 administration fee. Written notification by e-mail will be accepted. Participants cancelling after this date forfeit 100% of the registration fee, although substitutions can be made at any time.

This webinar will be recorded and available to registered participants.



Abrametz: What it means for Administrative Justice Proceedings – September 8, 2022

This webinar will be recorded and available to registered participants.

The Supreme Court of Canada’s decision on the Law Society of Saskatchewan v. Peter V. Abrametz case will be at the centre of this session and will examine the implications for delays in administrative justice proceedings.

Moderator:  David Wright, Chair, Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal


  • Paul Daly, Associate Professor, University of Ottawa
  • Nadia Effendi, Partner, Borden Ladner Gervais
  • Lauren J. Wihak, Partner, McDougall Gauley LLP
  • Emily Ohler, Chair, British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal

Click HERE for presenter biographies.

Simultaneous interpretation will be available.

When:  Thursday, September 8, 2022; 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. (ET)

CCAT Members:  $50 + applicable taxes
Non-members:  $95 + applicable taxes
Students:  $10 + applicable taxes (Promo Code: STUDENTETUDIANT10)

Cancellation:  Participants cancelling prior to August 25, 2022 receive a full refund less a $25.00 administration fee. Written notification by e-mail will be accepted. Participants cancelling after this date forfeit 100% of the registration fee, although substitutions can be made at any time.


Quality Decision Making: How Your Brain May Get in Your Way and Some Tips to Clear the Path – Part 1: September 12, 2022 / Part 2: October 6, 2022

Adjudicators and judges are dedicated to making the best decision possible, applying relevant legal standards to the evidence they receive.  But over the past 15 years important developments in cognitive science have come to the attention of legal decision-makers, leading to growing insight into how our brains may sometimes get in our way. These webinars will explore some of that science, examine how researchers have investigated its application to judges and adjudicators, and share best practices to strengthen decision making and nurture impartiality and consistency.  You will have a chance to test some of the science yourselves through a series of interactive exercises and debriefs.

The workshop will be delivered in two parts. Part 1 (September 12) will explore the basics of cognition, including cognitive bias. Part 2 (October 6) will focus on the concept of “noise” in decision making. Noise refers to the many extraneous factors that can knowingly and unknowingly lead to inconsistency and inaccuracy in decision making.  It is the subject of a new book by Daniel Kanneman, Olivier Sibony and Cass Sunstein. We will explore the concept of “decision hygiene” and how it might be applied in administrative tribunals. Attend either or both parts.

Simultaneous interpretation will be available.

This webinar will be recorded and available to registered participants.

Moderator and Presenter:  David Wright, Chair, Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal


  • Pamela Chapman, Legal Educator – Consultant
  • Caroline Mandell, Legal, Communication and Litigation Consultant

Click HERE for presenter biographies.

Part 1 – September 12, 2022; 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)
Part 2 – October 6, 2022; 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)


CCAT Members:  $75 + applicable taxes
Non-members:  $160 + applicable taxes
Students:  $15 + applicable taxes (Promo Code: STUDENTETUDIANT15)

Single session:
CCAT Members:  $50 + applicable taxes
Non-members:  $95 + applicable taxes
Students:  $10 + applicable taxes (Promo Code: STUDENTETUDIANT10)

Cancellation:  Participants cancelling prior to August 29, 2022 receive a full refund less a $25.00 administration fee. Written notification by e-mail will be accepted. Participants cancelling after this date forfeit 100% of the registration fee, although substitutions can be made at any time.



This two-part webinar series will support adjudicators in understanding and applying equity, diversity, inclusion and human rights obligations in their work. The webinar’s objective is to ensure that in managing hearing rooms, designing adjudicative processes, and making credibility findings, tribunals and their members intentionally consider how to be inclusive, accommodating, and free from implicit bias and racism.  

Part I (September 29) will be instructional. It will present key ideas, case law and research including:

  • Key concepts including the duty to accommodate, intersectionality, trauma, white privilege, implicit bias, and unconscious racism.
  • What should the adjudicator consider before the hearing starts?
  • How to get the best evidence.
  • Providing tools for the adjudicator in evaluating their own implicit bias when making credibility findings and decision making.

Part II (October 20) will be both instructional and interactive. First, there be a short panel of adjudicators who will discuss issues that they have had to work through in adjudication. We will then use break-out rooms to work through adjudicative scenarios with panel members and other experts assigned to a break-out room to help facilitate discussion. 

This webinar is offered in English only, except that there will a French version of the materials and breakout rooms for French discussion.  Choose to attend one or both parts.  The workshop sessions will not be recorded.

Workshop Lead: Grace Vaccarelli, Mediator, Investigator, Ethical Associates

Panelists / Facilitators

  • Sherry Liang, Member, Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal
  • Simmi K. Sandhu, Chair, Civil Resolution Tribunal of British Columbia
  • Justice of the Peace Marisha Roman, Ontario Court of Justice
  • Melissa L. Luhtanen, J.D., Senior Legal Counsel, Alberta Human Rights Commission

Click HERE for biographies.


  • Elsy Chakkalakal, General Counsel and Senior Director of Operations, Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada
  • Esi Codjoe, Partner, Turnpenney Milne
  • Antoine Collins, Member, Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada
  • Brian Eyolfosn, Human Rights Lawyer
  • Sue Heakes, Senior Member, Consent and Capacity Board; Vice-Chair College of Immigration of Citizenship Consultants
  • Julie Jai, Yukon Human Rights Panel of Adjudicators
  • Margaret Leighton, Member, Law Society Tribunal of Ontario
  • Sherry Liang, Adjudicator, Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal
  • Sophie Martel, Bilingual Workplace Investigator & Trainer
  • Malcolm Mercer, Chair, Law Society Tribunal of Ontario
  • Naomi Overend
  • Cynthia Pay, Tribunal Counsel, Law Society Tribunal
  • Mélanie Raymond, Juge administrative, Tribunal administratif du travail (QC)
  • Sylvie Séguin, Member and Vice-Chair, Comité de déontologie policière (QC)
  • Kate Sellar, Member, Social Security Tribunal of Canada, Appeal Division
  • Jay Sengupta, Dispute Resolution
  • Jim Sheppard, Vice Chair, BC Workers’ Compensation Appeal Tribunal
  • Darren Thorne, Member, Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada


Part I:    September 29, 2022; 1-2:30 ET
Part II:   October 20, 2022; 1-2:30 ET


CCAT Members:  $75 + applicable taxes
Non-members:  $160 + applicable taxes
Students:  $15 + applicable taxes (Promo Code: STUDENTETUDIANT15)

Single session
CCAT Members:  $50 + applicable taxes
Non-members:  $95 + applicable taxes
Students:  $10 + applicable taxes (Promo Code: STUDENTETUDIANT10)

Cancellation:  Participants cancelling prior to September 16, 2022 receive a full refund less a $25.00 administration fee. Written notification by e-mail will be accepted. Participants cancelling after this date forfeit 100% of the registration fee, although substitutions can be made at any time.



Advancing Truth and Reconciliation in the Tribunal Context: Practical Steps - May 20, 2021
